Workshop 1 Introduction and Overview of the 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners; Key Principles 1-2-3

Program Title:  Six Key Principles and Teaching English Through English (TETE)



Workshop 1 


Workshop Title: Introduction and Overview of the 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners; Key Principles 1-2-3

Workshop Description:    This interactive workshop will present an introduction to the training and Portfolio, and overview of the 6 Key Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners. Participants will work on Key Principals 1-2-3 in details through Scavenger Hunt, Jigsaw Reading, True or False, Personal Inventory and 3,2,1 Activities.


Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction

1. Gain attention

 Gain attention with a schedule of a training and a picture of the 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners.

2. Inform learners of objectives


-be informed about training schedule;

-create Portfolio using Google Site and upload their work on it

- understand the importance of the Key Principles 1-2-3, (knowing their learners, creating conditions and designing high-quality language lessons);

-create related activities to Key Principles 1-2-3

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

Participants will be asked to share their answers on this question:

What is the most important thing for you in teaching English? 

“Scavenger Hunt” activity on the Overview of the 6 Key Principles.


4. Present the content

Introduction of the training program with the help of the Handout 1

Video presentation on “The importance of the Key Principles 1-2-3”






5. Guide learning

 Participants do Fluency circles with “About me” for getting to know each other; “Jigsaw Reading” for understanding their learners’ characteristic features.

 After giving handouts of the activities trainers model.

After presenting “3-2-1”, the trainer explains the steps of this activity.


6. Elicit performance (practice)

Participants do “True or False”, “Personal Inventory”

The trainer explains the steps of these activities.   .

7. Provide feedback

 In groups participants present their applied activities and teacher monitors

and groups give their feedback to each other work by using PQP.

8. Assess

Creating Portfolio on Google site will be explained and participants will be asked to share their activities on it.

 Before they leave, a piece of paper will be given to them with the 3 - 2-1 EXIT TICKET to fill out and hand in. The EXIT TICKET asks them to write down   ,, 3 things I learned’’  ,, 2 things I found interesting” and   ,, 1 question I still have’’

9. Enhance retention and transfer

 To reflect on their teaching and create their own activity on Key Principles 1-2-3.

Participants will be given Activity Tracker handout where they should put all their learning activity on it. 

Resource Type
Introduction and Overview of the 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners; Key Principles 1-2-3
Language Level
Student Age