Workshop Plan Module 7

Workshop Training Plan Template


Workshop Title:  Module 7: Extending Textbook activities


Workshop Description:  There are many good teaching materials published, but even good materials are not perfect for every teaching context. With the advance of technology, especially the Internet, rich instructional resources can also be found online. However, in order to meet the diverse needs of our teaching situations, it becomes necessary to adapt the teaching resources to deliver effective communicative instruction in English. In this module, participants will have a chance to reflect on their teaching contexts and materials available to them. They will also explore ways to effectively adapt their teaching materials to foster a communicative classroom in English.




Nine Events

Description of Instructional Event

PowerPoint Slides or Handouts

1. Gain attention

10 minutes

 Warm up: What does adapting textbooks mean?

                       Why do you need to adapt textbook activities in your context?


Gain their attention with a quote: "The most dangerous phrase in the language is, 'We've always done it this way!'." - Grace Murray Hopper



Elicit participant responses about what the quote means. (to ensure that they fully comprehend what they need to do to achieve in their classrooms.



2. Inform learners of objectives

5 minutes

 By the end of the workshop, teachers will be able to:

  •      analyze textbook lessons/activities and adapt content for appropriate and meaningful use to meet the learner needs and enhance classroom interactions
  • use textbook, ancillary materials, and other relevant sources to develop an effective communicative lesson/activities appropriate for your learning environment


PPT slide

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

20 minutes


 Stimulate participants beliefs in about the necessity of adapting textbook activities.

Ask “How do you adapt your teaching resources to promote communication in your English classroom?  

What kind of learner considerations should be made when adapting from textbook activities to meet the learners' various needs? “


  • Mini-lecture on the reasons behind the necessity of adapting textbook activities.


  How do you adapt your teaching resources to promote communication in your English classroom?  

What kind of learner considerations should be made when adapting from textbook activities to meet the learners' various needs? “


lack of time, 

lack of necessary equipment, 

curriculum requirements and/or restrictions, 

cultural issues, 

student language levels, 

lack of variety of activity types, 

boring materials, and 

lack of clear goals. 

4. Present the content

20 minutes



20 minutes

 Demonstrate the videos from TETE:

Video 1.  Adapting textbook activities. After watching Video 1 check the participants understanding through  Turn and Talk activity

Video 2. Tips for adapting teaching materials.

After watching Video 2 participants will be involved in Running dictation activity to be introduced with the information.

5. Guide learning

20  mminutes

Reading the Article 2: Considerations for adapting materials to meet Learner Needs.

 Jigsaw Reading.

Participants work in groups to read the article.




6. Elicit performance (practice)

30 minutes

 Based on your preference, choose one of the following tasks:


 Examine the teaching resources you currently use in your school, including your textbook. Choose a picture, a reading passage, written assignments and/or practice exercises from your resource. How can these be adapted and used to give your students more chances to use their English communicatively?


Consider the activities/classroom strategies presented in this module (and any others you’ve already completed). You can also find these from the Activity Shares. How can you incorporate one or more of these strategies into your adapted textbook/resource activities to enhance meaningful communication in your classroom?




7. Provide feedback

15 minutes

   Participants work in small groups to demonstrate their adapted activities.




8. Assess performance

20 minutes


  • Participants write 1-2 paragraphs to reflect on Module 7.
  • Collect the Exit Tickets to assess participants’ understanding of workshop content. 

9. Enhance retention and transfer

5 minutes


 Before leaving the workshop ask participants which activities of the workshop they liked and how they will change them or implement without change  in their classes.





Extending textbook activities