Dilnoza Hamroyeva
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Dilnoza Husenovna Hamroyeva is from Bukhara, Uzbekistan and studied English Philology at the Navoi Pedagogical Institute from 2009 to 2013. She began working as an English teacher at School #23 in Bukhara City in 2015. Since then, she has used her teaching skills to the best of her ability during the lessons she’s conducted. Moreover, she has actively participated in a number of conferences and seminars that were held at school, both on the city and regional level. On top of this, she has organized a club where pupils become actively involved in an English environment while doing hands-on activities. She and her pupils really stand out with their creativity and initiatives. It was an honor to be chosen for the ESN program as a Regional Peer Mentor-Teacher, because her ultimate goal is to learn more about the methods of easily and creatively teaching English to learners and sharing it with others.