Kuuat Elmanov

Home Country
Cohort 2
Republic of Karakalpakistan

Kuuat Elmanov is from Nukus City and received his bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching from the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute in 2005. He has been teaching the English language for more than eight years at Specialized Lyceum #1 and Secondary School #20 in Nukus City. As a Regional Peer Mentor-Teacher, he is looking forward to supporting the promotion of the learning and teaching of the English language, increasing the quality of English education, and disseminating the use of IT and TV based teaching methodologies. Through the help of the ESN program, he would like to support the creation of efficient training courses for teachers in order to increase the quality of English education in schools. He believes that the ESN program will create opportunities to develop teachers' capacities. He also believes the course will teach the English language and its literature with progressive, efficient, and interactive teaching methods and materials.

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