Nazirakhon Nasimova

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Nazirakhon Nasimova graduated from Tashkent Institute of Oriental Studies with a degree in Oriental philology in 2002. She received a degree as an English teacher in the retraining centre of Uzbekistan state university of World languages in 2012. She worked as a teacher of English at an educational centre from 2002-2003. She continued working at a boarding school until 2007. She taught English at the Academic lyceum from 2007-2019. During these years, she was also a headteacher of a foreign languages department. She continued her teaching career in a boarding school 1. She has been working at this school for two years. As a Regional Peer Mentor- Teacher, she hopes to gain more experience in every aspect of teaching English. Besides, she would like to share all the knowledge and experience she has with her colleagues.

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