Makhliyo Solieva
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Makhliyo Solieva is from the Namangan region of Uzbekistan. She’s an English teacher at a secondary school. She graduated from the Foreign Languages department of Namangan State University. She has a bachelor’s degree. She has been working as a teacher at Secondary School #10 in the Uchkurfan district, Namangan region since 2003. From 2007 to 2010, she worked in School #60 in Namangan City. Nowadays, she teaches pupils in grades 1, 5, 9, 6, and 11 at School #10 in Uchkurgan, Namangan. She loves her job and the children. She always tries to improve her skills. She has achieved a lot of success in her career. She hopes that this program will give her a great opportunity to improve her knowledge and experience.