Nargiza Danebaeva

Home Country
Cohort 1
Republic of Karakalpakistan/Takhopir

Nargiza Danebaeva was born in Kegeyli district, Karakalpakstan, in 1993. She received a Bachelor's degree in English language and literature from the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named Ajiniyaz in Nukus, Karakalpakstan, in 2016. Before that, in 2011, she graduated from Nukus State Academic lyceum on a foreign language course. In 2016, she began to work at specialized government school number 3 in Takhtakopir district as an English language teacher, and also she is the head of "English speaking club." As a Regional Peer Mentor teacher, she is looking forward to organizing training with school teachers and improving language skills.

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