Script of Workshop 11 Facilitating discussions
Workshop Title: Facilitating discussions
Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will present ideas to promote ways for integrating discussions activities and debates in order to learn the importance of facilitating discussions and debates in the classroom and at the end of the workshop they will be able to develop discussion/debate plans by themselves.
Sections /Trainer
Facilitating discussions
1. Gain attention
Trainer 1:
- Write the prompt “Schools should require students to wear uniforms” on the board.
- In pairs, Turn and Talk, ask elbow partners whether they agree with the statement or not.
- Ask participants whether they agree or not. If they agree they should Stand up, if they disagree, they should Sit down. Then give follow up question to their pairs “Why?”
PPPT with the text of the song or handouts.
Inform learners of objectives
Trainer 2
Read the objectives (which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- describe the benefits of communicative language teaching through pair works, small group works, discussions and debates and how to use them in the EFL classroom.
- explore various cooperative learning and interactive language tasks and strategies that build language proficiency and a classroom discourse community.
- design ways you plan to integrate and manage learning activities that support a communicative approach for language learning in your classroom
PPPT or a boarding card with written objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Trainer 1
9:40-9: 50
- Stimulate participants’ ideas by asking question:
Do you organize discussions in your classroom?
Why? Why not? Does it work?
A white board
Trainer 2
9:50- 10:30
Hand the article “Critiquing Questions” out and organize Jigsaw reading.
- Present sample discussion/debate videos and discuss in the group.
Guide learning
Trainer 1
- After reading the article by Jigsaw reading, organize sharing the data in expert groups and home groups.
- Based on gained data participants create a question bank with 3-5 question starters which can be used in discussions and debates.
After presenting the sample discussion/debate videos, assign to select an image that connects to one of lessons in the textbook and create Higher order thinking (HOT) questions to engage students in discussion.
Question banks
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Trainer 2
- Participants work in expert groups and home groups sharing the data first and creating question banks.
Participants work in groups of 3-4 and create Higher order thinking (HOT) questions to engage students in discussion. sample questions will be given in the handout.
7. Provide feedback
Trainer 1
11:30: 11:40
- In groups, participants will create a question bank and HOT questions. demonstrate their questions to the class.
- Organize peer-assessment, participants will sign out their marks (1-5) for the works of other groups secretly.
Add up the marks of participants and give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
PQP sheets
8. Assess performance
Trainer 2
11:40- 11: 50
Ask participants to choose one discussion activity which they used in their classes and practice with their small groups.
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Trainer 1
Lunch time:
11:50-12: 10
12:10-12: 40
Before participants leave the workshop, ask them to rate in Scale 1-5 the effectiveness of discussion and debates. Then they have to create a list of debate topics that align with their curricula and post a bucket of prompts. PP work in groups and stick them on the wall
Markers/ Boarding cards
Both trainers facilitate.
In groups, participants will present their boarding cards each other and evaluate the questions/ statements in 1-5 Scale.
Sticky notes
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeFacilitating discussionsLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 10 Creating and Facilitating Visually Stimulating Tasks
Workshop Title: Creating and Facilitating Visually Stimulating Tasks
Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will do experiential activities like See-Think-Wonder and use graphic organizers Mind Map and KWL in order to learn the importance of visually stimulating tasks and at the end of the workshop they will be able to create one visually stimulating task themselves.
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gain attention
- Put the pictures of classrooms one is simply designed, another is equipped with different visuals and take a poll which of them they like best.
- In pairs, Turn and Talk, ask elbow partners why they like it.
- Show and read the quote:
“It has been said that 80% of what people learn is visual” Allen Klein.
- Ask participants whether they agree or not. If they agree they should Stand up, if they disagree, they should Sit down. Then give Follow up question to their pairs “Why?”
2. Inform learners of objectives
Break 10 min
- Read the objectives ( which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
- Identify the importance of visually stimulating tasks
for language learners
- Create a visually stimulating task
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
- Stimulate participants ideas by asking question:
What kind of visuals do you use in your teaching? Why do they use visuals?
4. Present the content
- Show PPT presentation about ways of creating visually stimulating tasks .
-Present each way which pointed with bullet points in turn.
5. Guide learning
- After presenting First way (graphic organizers), show how to create Mind map graphic organizer on poster.
- After presenting Second way (pictures), use See-Think-Wonder activity. Show an unusual picture and ask:
- What do you see in the picture?
- What do you think about the picture?
- What does it make you wonder?
- After presenting Third way (video/PPT) , show “My Day in ESN training” story PPT.( Here Ps will be grouped and work in small groups. They will make their group posters on the given topic, and demonstrate them)
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Lunch time 11.40-12.10
- Brainstorm all three ways.
- Participants work in groups of 5-6 and create a visually stimulating task for a textbook activity (Ask the Ps to bring their PCs beforehand) At first Ps will discuss about visually stimulating task, their role in teaching. Then Ps will work in small groups, work with cards, posters, stickers, and create their own VST.
7. Provide feedback
- In groups, participants will demonstrate their visuals t other groups around the class.
- Organize a Gallery Walk, participants will write their comments on sticky notes and put them on the posters.
- Give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
8. Assess performance
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper with three questions:
- What was the most interesting thing I learned?
- What was the most important knowledge I gained?
- What question do I still have?
Collect the Exit Tickets to assess the participants understanding of workshop content.
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Before participants leave the workshop, ask them to rate in Scale 1-5 the effectiveness of visuals. As a home task, they can create their own Word Wall like a graphic organizer/ a picture/a poster. Then Ps will share their graphic organizer/picture/poster in their telegram group.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeCreating and facilitating visually stimulating tasksLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 9 Extending Textbook activities
Workshop Title: Extending Textbook activities.
Workshop Description: In this module, participants will have a chance to work on the Textbook activities, and learn how to extend the textbook activities. They will also explore ways to effectively adapt your teaching materials to foster a communicative classroom in English.
By the end of the workshop they will be able to:
~ analyze textbook lessons/activities and adapt content for appropriate and meaningful use to meet the learner needs and enhance classroom interactions.
~use textbook materials, and other relevant sources to develop effective communicative lesson/activities appropriate for their learning environment.
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gain attention
- Show participants different textbook activities on projector, and then Show them the adaptation of those textbook activities. After that participants will be asked to discuss in pairs the difference between these activities, choose the one they liked.
- In pairs, Turn and Talk, ask elbow partners why they like it.
- Show and read the quote:
“The most dangerous phrase in the language is, “We’ve always done it this way !” Grace Murray Hopper.
- Ask participants whether they agree or not. They show their choice with doing Thumbs Up/Down. Then give Follow up question to their pairs “Why?”
2. Inform learners of objectives
Break 10 min
- Read the objectives ( which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
~ analyze textbook lessons/activities and adapt content for appropriate and meaningful use to meet the learner needs and enhance classroom interactions.
~ use textbook materials, and other relevant sources to develop effective communicative lesson/activities appropriate for their learning environment.
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
- Stimulate participants ideas by asking question:
- Have you ever need to do any changes with the textbook activities?
- Why did you need to change the given textbook activities?
4. Present the content
- Display the video about Adapting Textbook activities from TETE Course
-Display the video about Tips for Adapting Teaching materials from TETE course.
(Here Ps will watch the displayed videos, and take some important notes, which are related to the topic)
5. Guide learning
Teachers will be introduced the ways to adapt, extend the textbook activities according to their students` needs using PPT slides
(Here the PPT covers some questions, on which teachers need to answer). After introducing with the PPT, the importance of adaptation will be discussed among Ps. Here participants at first will be grouped, and will work in small groups, and give important reasons to adapt textbook activities. Here Ps will discuss in groups the difficulties they faced in working with textbook activities with different learner levels.
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Lunch time 11.40-12.10
Then participants will choose one activity, that they currently use in their school. Participants have to adapt the chosen activity answering the question, How can this be adapted and used to give your Ss more chances to use their English communicatively? Then they will describe their learner characteristics and teaching context, and explain to why they have adapted the activity.( This is an individual task)
In the next step participants will be a task, to adapt one textbook activity.
7. Provide feedback
- In groups, participants demonstrate their newly adapted activities.
- Organize a Gallery Walk, in their groups participants will choose the best adapted activities, and demonstrate to another groups.
- Give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
- At the end participants will answer the question, Are there any new activities you have learned today?
8. Assess performance
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper will write their reflection on these three questions:
- What was the most interesting thing I learned?
- What was the most important knowledge I gained?
- What question do I still have?
Collect the Exit Tickets to assess the participants understanding of workshop content.
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Ask PP to choose one activity from their textbook and they should adapt and extend it.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeExtending textbook activitiesLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 8 PTRA
Workshop Title: PTRA: Plan, Teach, Reflect, Adjust
Workshop Description: In this workshop will be able to:
- plan, teach, reflect, and adjust lesson plans to promote effective communicative
language practice in their classrooms
- develop an effective lesson plan for English learners that teaches language through
meaningful context and promotes communicative interaction using engaging activities
- design effective lesson plans for English learners using the following steps: warm up,
presentation, practice, application, and wrap up
Section and Trainer(s)
PTRA: Plan, Teach, Reflect, Adjust
1. Gain attention
Trainer 1
Trainer says: We can say that "There are three types of lessons: The one we plan to teach; the one we actually teach; and the one we wish we had taught. Effective design and delivery of lessons lead to successful learning in communicative language classrooms. Teachers need to not only to plan and teach lessons, but also to reflect on how the lessons were taught and how the students interacted during the lessons. Through this module, you will explore ways that will help you design and develop lesson plans for your communicative language classrooms. You will also have a chance to delve deeper into reflective teaching practices that will benefit both you and your learners”.
2.Inform learners of objectives
Trainer 2
By the end the session you will be able to:
- plan, teach, reflect, and adjust lesson plans to promote effective communicative language practice in your classrooms
- develop an effective lesson plan for English learners that teaches language through meaningful context and promotes communicative interaction using engaging activities
- design effective lesson plans for English learners using the following steps: warm up, presentation, practice, application, and wrap up
3.Stimulate recall of prior learning
Trainer 1
Discussing classroom objectives in small groups answering the following questions:
- are classroom objectives important?
- do you work out objectives for each class?
- how do you work out your classroom objectives?
4.Present the content
Trainer 2
Playing the video “Writing Good Objectives”
Discussing some parts of the video and establishing that SWBAT is an important part of lesson planning
Questions for discussion: Why do you think objectives are important?
Is it ok to have activities out of classroom objectives during the lesson?
Video presentation
5.Guide learning
Trainer 1
Work in pairs. Ask PP to distinguish which verbs can be used in a good lesson objective.
Make a True/ False statements about a good lesson objective. PP should use response cards (True/False cards)
Small group activity. PPs work with handouts where there is a list of disordered activities of a lesson. They try to make a logical sequence of the activities.
Playing the video “Sequencing Activities”. Before playing it establishing “This video will demonstrate how to sequence activities in a lesson to promote a meaningful language learning environment throughout instruction.”
Cards, handouts
Video presentation
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Fluency line activity (inner, outer circle): PP speak about their lesson plan – theme, objective, activities taking into consideration Six-Step Lesson
1. Warm-up
2. Presentation
3. Practice
4. Application
5. Wrap-up/Assessment
6. Follow-up.
They also explain to each other how each activity is connected to the previous one to reach the objective. (each time 1.5 minute is provided)
PP have a jig saw activity using the adapted script of Video 3 Activating Your Reflective Teaching (reading a part in one group and explaining it to others in another group)
7. Provide feedback
Asking the PP to recall the objectives of the session:
- plan, teach, reflect, and adjust lesson plans to promote effective communicative language practice in your classrooms
- develop an effective lesson plan for English learners that teaches language through meaningful context and promotes communicative interaction using engaging activities
- design effective lesson plans for English learners using the following steps: warm up, presentation, practice, application, and wrap up
8. Assess performance
Matching activity, pair work. PP match main terms from the session with their definitions
9. Enhance retention and transfer
-Ask PP to design a six step lesson plan for a lesson from their textbook.
-Ask them to think of any ideas for English teachers in Uzbekistan to implement PTRA into their teaching.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeLesson PlanLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 7 Increasing classroom interaction
Workshop Title: Increasing classroom interaction
Workshop Description: This interactive workshop will present how to organize student-to-student interaction in the classroom. This means conducting interactive lessons provide enhancing communicative skills and boosting students’ motivation. “Find someone who is bingo” and “Guiding the artist” activities will be stated as sample interactive activities.
Section and Trainer(s)
Increasing classroom interaction
1. Gain attention
Trainer 1
Gain attention with activity “Birthday Line up”. Ask PP to go around the classroom to ask each other’s birthdays and make a line according to chronological order.
2.Inform learners of objectives
Trainer 2
Explaining that PWBAT use student-to-student interaction and interactive activities for English learners.
Oral presentation
3.Stimulate recall of prior learning
Trainer 1
Group discussion: What is interactive activity for you?
What kind of interactive activity did you use in your lessons?
- Present the content
Trainer 2
Video presentation on “Increasing student-to-student presentation”, discussion the video presentation
Experiental activities:
“Find someone who is bingo”
Mingling for matching
Information gap activity. PPs mingle around with handouts where some present perfect and have got sentences
Video presentation
- Guide learning
Trainer 1
After presenting PPT, participants understand Student- to - student interaction.
After demonstrating “Find someone who is bingo”, the trainer shows sample handouts of this activity and models.
Ask PP to create their own “Find someone who”
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Demo activities:
For each activity, engage participants in demonstrating activities, experiencing as a teacher instructing the activity as if the others are learners.
Distribute a handout with lessons from textbooks.
Ask participants to create a mingling activity and work in groups to apply them to the existing lesson.
Coffee break
7. Provide feedback
In groups participants present their applied activities and the trainer monitors and gives collective feedback.
8. Assess
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper with the 3 - 2-1 EXIT TICKET to fill out and hand in. The EXIT TICKET asks them to write down ,, 3 things I learned’’ ,, 2 things I found interesting” and ,, 1 question I still have’’
9. Enhance retention and transfer
To make a 1 minute video using an interactive activity in their own teaching experience . They should post this video on telegram group.
Requirements for video:
- No more than 1 minute
- Activity should be with their actual students
- Teacher should give the name and description of the activity on the comments below.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeIncreasing classroom interactionLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 6 Giving Feedback
Workshop title: Checking comprehension and providing feedback
Workshop description: Feedback is one of the most important teacher-student centered interaction in any learning environment. By the end of the module participants will be able to:
-understand what to do after tasks or lessons to check comprehension and increase SS`s learning.
-use appropriate teacher talk for feedback depending on different learning goals.
-correct SS`s errors with different feedback strategies.
Sections /Trainer
Checking comprehension and providing feedback
Warm up
Trainer 1:
Ask participants to discuss the following question in pairs with the help of “Bicycle chain” activity :
–How do you give feedback to your SS?
Divide class into A and B students. First As will come to the centre of the room and make a smaller circle, then Bs come and make up bigger outer circle for As. As and Bs stay face to face. Make sure that each participant have a partner.
First As start, they will speak how they give feedback to their SS. Then Bs will move one step in circle have a new partner. Now Bs will speak about their feedback style.
White board
Inform learners of objectives
Trainer 2
- Ask one of the PP to read the objectives ( which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
understand what to do after tasks or lessons to check comprehension and increase students’ learning
use appropriate teacher talk for feedback depending on different learning goals
correct students' errors with different feedback strategies and monitoring
PPPT or a boarding card with written objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Trainer 1
9:30-9: 45
- Stimulate participants ideas by asking question:
- Have you ever given corrective feedback for your SS?
- Why giving feedback is good for learning?
A white board
Present the content
Trainer 2
9:45- 10:10
-Display the videos about Whole class formative feedback from TETE Course
-Display the video about Feedback strategies beyond error correction. (Video duration 15minutes)
While watching videos PP will take notes on the topics:
- Types of feedback mentioned in the videos
- Types of correction
- Types of Indirect feedback
Video projector
Guide learning
Trainer 1
Jig saw reading. Numbered heads.
First create groups with three participants by using different colored sticky notes. Tell that this is their Home groups, then within the group, PP will count 1-2-3. And trainer asks them to remember their Home groups, but now they will create Expert groups. Ones- Group 1, twos- Group 2, threes- Group 3.
Then trainer gives one article from Module 4 TETE to each of these new Expert groups.
Group 1--- Article 1: Progress Check
Group 2 ----Article 2: The Importance of Feedback by Sandy Millin
Group 3. ---- Video 3 Script
Anxiety-Free Corrective Feedback
In Expert groups, PP will read the articles, make notes about the types of feedback in it, write a brief summary for it.
Then the trainer asks them to go back to their Home Groups and share their notes and summaries of the articles.
Experimental activity 1
Trainer 2
Response cards.
Trainer reads some statements about effective feedback PP should raise their True /False cards
True /False cards
Elicit performance practice
Trainer 1
10:50: 11:20
Lunch time:
11:20-11: 50
Then participants will choose one strategy of giving feedback for example Progress check, Thumps up /down, Scale 1-5 and they present with the help of one activity with their small group members. Then they will tell which strategy worked well and why.
Practice time
Trainer 2
11:50- 12: 20
Introduce P-Q-P feedback strategy.
Work in pairs. Give each pair some materials which were created by participants from the previous sessions, for example, posters, anchor charts, etc.
Ask them to write feedback on them using P-Q-P charts.
Boarding cards
P-Q-P charts
Provide feedback
Both trainers facilitate.
Ask pairs to exchange their feedbacks to each other and read.
Sticky notes
Assess performance
12:40-13: 20
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper they will write their answers on these three questions:
- What was the most interesting thing I learned?
- What was the most important knowledge I gained?
- What question do I still have?
Collect the Exit Tickets to assess the participants understanding of workshop content.
PQP charts
Assign task for further development
Assign hometasks :
1.Write reflection from the session to their portfolios.
2.Complete Activity Tracker
Activity tracker is provided in previous sessions.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeChecking comprehension and giving feedbackLanguage LevelIntermediateStudent AgeAdultScript of Workshop 5 Effective Question and Answer
Workshop title: Effective Question and Answer
Workshop description: At the end of the session participants will be able to understand how different types of questions are used in teacher talk and practice basic question forms and answers with students
Sections /Trainer
Effective Question and Answer
Warm up
Trainer 1:
Begin the session with the activity: “Guess the question”
Trainer writes some answers on the board, participants should guess what the question is:
- In Asaka
- Classic
- Not, actually. He is a driver.
Possible questions:
- Where do you live?
- What kind of music do you like?
- Is your husband also a teacher ?
White board
Inform learners of objectives
Trainer 2
Tell the participants that they are going to learn about different types of questions including display and referential questions and practice making a good question and answer talk.
PPPT or a boarding card with written objectives
Stimulate recall of prior learning
Trainer 1
9:30- 9: 45
Make an elicitation on types of questions they know. Use the following Graphic organizer. In plenary, Brainstorm on types of questions.
A white board
Present the content
Trainer 2
9:45- 10:10
- Tell participants about two more types of questions: display and referential.
Distribute Handout 1 with the article about “Display Questions vs Referential Questions” by Hyunsun Chung , GMU and ask them to read the article with peers turn by turn. (It is a two-page article, which took me 6 minutes to read it in detail. It may take PP about 12-15 minutes, when they read it in turns)
When they have finished reading, check their understanding by Response Cards. Give each pair a card with True /False. Read aloud some statements about Referential and Display questions.( Handout 2)
1. Display questions are asked by the teacher in order to develop critical thinking. (False)
2. Referential questions have a real communicative purpose. (True)
Guide learning
Trainer 1
Group work. Put the passage in order.
-First create groups by using shapes: circles, squares, triangles,..
Give each group a passage (with steps of an activity which teaches questions) which is cut into three parts.
In groups PP will read the pieces of passage and put it in order.
After that, trainer asks following question:
What kind of questions is the teacher going to teach?
Text for cutting into pieces
Provide a context. Explain that they are going to use Wh-questions to ask and find out missing information about a girl who went on a trip.
“You are going to create and use Wh-questions who, what, when, where, which, why, and how to
find out about Lena and her recent trip. Let’s think about what you want to ask Lena.
Prepare questions for the activity.
“Class, Let’s brainstorm! Think about what kind of questions you can create to ask Lena about her trip and write them in your notebook.
These are also useful types of questions that you and your students might use when
giving directions, having a conversation, and doing activities.
Where did Lena go?
Who did she go with?
How did she go?
When did
Give out a handout or note cards with information needed to answer the questions. After the participants write down some questions, they are given information on a notecard about Lena’s trip. Each note card has a few pieces of information that may provide answers to the questions. For example, each note card can have information like this:
Notecard 1: Paris, warm, sunny
Notecard 2: train, coffee, paintings
Pieces of passage
Experimental activity 1
Trainer 2
Work in groups of three. Ask PP to count to three. Ones- Group 1, twos- Group 2, threes- Group 3.
Give each group one theme from the Textbook Teens 8 and ask them to create a Question & Answer between a teacher and a student. Provide an example.
PP can use samples which are given in the article by Hyunsun Chung.
Textbook pages
Explanation ICQs
Trainer 1
11:00: 11:20
Lunch time:
11:20-11: 50
Mini-lecture on the importance of ICQs.
Present some ICQs. Ask whether they are correct or not.
Provide examples for a good ICQ. Tell them to avoid the ICQs like: Do you understand? And Is it clear?
PP work in pairs to make up correct ICQs for their lessons.
Elicit performance practice
Trainer 2
11:50- 12: 20
Work in groups which was created in the previous activities. PP will create an Anchor Chart with correct ICQs. When they finish they will display on the walls.
Boarding cards
Provide feedback
Both trainers facilitate.
Organize a Gallery Walk and they will give feedback on each other’s anchor charts.
Sticky notes
Assess performance
12:40-13: 10
Work in small groups. Give each small group a case where a teacher should use a question. Ask them to provide appropriate type of question.
Case 1:
While monitoring, the teacher notices that one of the students cannot join the teamwork. Write the question for the teacher to ask that student.
Case 2;
The teacher notices that one of the students could not understand the instruction for an activity. Write a question for the teacher.
Case 3:
Teacher wants to check SS understanding of a text about Teenage jobs. What kind of questions will the teacher use? Give an example.
Case 4:
Teacher wants to create a questionnaire about the SS preferences about the types of music. What type of questions should the teacher use? Give an example.
Case 5:
The teacher gives an instruction about how to complete the table with 3 columns. Create a question to check whether SS understand what they will do.
Assign task for further development
Tell participant
- to prepare a good teacher and student question and answer.
- Create a set of ICQs for their lessons in their portfolio
- Complete their Activity Tracker.
Activity tracker is provided in previous sessions.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeEffective Question and AnswerLanguage LevelIntermediateTeaching TechniqueClass DiscussionStudent AgeAdultWorkshop 12 Managing Cooperative Activities.
Workshop Title: Managing Cooperative Activities.
Workshop Description:
By the end of the workshop they will be able to:
- describe the purpose and benefits of project work and cooperative activities in the language classroom
- explore various ways to develop and present project work and cooperative activities to and for all students
- exchange ideas for project work and cooperative activities that work well for all learners
- develop project ideas and cooperative activities that can be modified for multiple units of study using checklists, rubrics, collaborative work guidelines/expectations
- reflect on ways to adapt and differentiate project work and cooperative activities for all learners
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gain attention
- At the beginning of the session participants will be grouped and given them a task for group work. ( Here participants will be given question “What are Collaborative task?” Participants will discuss the question in their groups. After that participants will be asked their ideas about this group work.
- Then there will be displayed a video about group work. Here participants will watch the video and should find three important points of group work.( the activity 3-2-1)
2. Inform learners of objectives
- Read the objectives ( which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
- describe the purpose and benefits of project work and cooperative activities in the language classroom
- explore various ways to develop and present project work and cooperative activities to and for all students
- exchange ideas for project work and cooperative activities that work well for all learners
- develop project ideas and cooperative activities that can be modified for multiple units of study using checklists, rubrics, collaborative work guidelines/expectations
- reflect on ways to adapt and differentiate project work and cooperative activities for all learners
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
- Stimulate participants ideas by asking question:
- What pair work/group work activities do you use in your classroom most?
- How do your Ss act during pair/group works?
4. Present the content
- Display the video about Grouping Students for Activities and Establishing Guidelines for Participation from TETE Course
-Display the video about Strategies for Successfully Managing Projects and Activities from TETE course.
5. Guide learning
After watching the video participants will be given another task. Here in groups they will explore ways to develop project work and the ways to check it.
Teachers will develop their activities to practice the ways to plan to develop project works and cooperative activities.
6. Elicit performance (practice)
Tell PP to work in groups of five. Assign roles within the group: A timekeeper/ A leader/ A writer/ A designer/ A presenter. They should create a project lesson plan showing it in Steps. Use the following template
Activity/Lesson Name:
Grade level / Unit (if applicable):
Activity/Project Description:
The purpose of this activity/project is to...
This activity/project is effective for this lesson/unit because…
Here are some steps to help you use this activity/project in your classroom…
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
7. Provide feedback
- In groups, participants will present their newly adapted project activities.
- Organize a Gallery Walk, in their groups participants will choose the best adapted activities, and demonstrate to another groups.
- Give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
- At the end participants will answer the question, Are there any new ways of cooperatively completing project you have learned today?
8. Assess performance
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper will write their reflection on 3-2-1 reflection on the whole session
3 – most important things I learnt from the session . 2- most interesting things I found from the session. 1- most important material which I found from the session
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Before participants leave the workshop, ask them to rate in Scale 1-5 the effectiveness of Collaborative activities.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeManaging Cooperative Activities.Language LevelIntermediateTeaching TechniqueProject-Based LearningStudent AgeAdultWorkshop 11 Facilitating discussions
Workshop 11
Workshop Title: Facilitating discussions
Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will present ideas to promote ways for integrating discussions activities and debates in order to learn the importance of facilitating discussions and debates in the classroom and at the end of the workshop they will be able to develop discussion/debate plans by themselves.
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gain attention
- Write the prompt “Schools should require students to wear uniforms” on the board.
- In pairs, Turn and Talk, ask elbow partners whether they agree with the statement or not.
- Ask participants whether they agree or not. If they agree they should Stand up, if they disagree, they should Sit down. Then give follow up question to their pairs “Why?”
2. Inform learners of objectives
Read the objectives (which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- describe the benefits of communicative language teaching through pair works, small group works, discussions and debates and how to use them in the EFL classroom.
- explore various cooperative learning and interactive language tasks and strategies that build language proficiency and a classroom discourse community.
- design ways you plan to integrate and manage learning activities that support a communicative approach for language learning in your classroom
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
- Stimulate participants’ ideas by asking question:
Do you organize discussions in your classroom?
4. Present the content
- Hand the article “Critiquing Questions” out and organize Jigsaw reading.
- Present sample discussion/debate videos and discuss in the group.
5. Guide learning
- After reading the article by Jigsaw reading, organize sharing the data in expert groups and home groups. Based on gained data participants create a question bank with 3-5 question starters which can be used in discussions and debates.
- After presenting the sample discussion/debate videos, assign to select an image that connects to one of lessons in the textbook and create Higher order thinking (HOT) questions to engage students in discussion on that image.
6. Elicit performance (practice)
- Participants work in expert groups and home groups sharing the data first and creating question banks.
- Participants work in groups of 3-4 and create Higher order thinking (HOT) questions to engage students in discussion.
7. Provide feedback
- In groups, participants will create a question bank and HOT questions. demonstrate their questions to the class.
- Organize peer-assessment, participants will sign out their marks (1-5) for the works of other groups secretly.
- Add up the marks of participants and give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
8. Assess performance
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper with three questions:
- What was the most interesting thing I learned?
- What was the most important knowledge I gained?
- What question do I still have?
Collect the Exit Tickets to assess the participants understanding of workshop content.
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Before participants leave the workshop, ask them to rate in Scale 1-5 the effectiveness of discussion and debates. Then they have to create a list of debate topics that align with their curricula and post a bucket of prompts.
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeFacilitating discussionsLanguage LevelIntermediateTeaching TechniqueClass DiscussionStudent AgeAdultWorkshop 10 Creating and Facilitating Visually Stimulating Tasks
Workshop 10
Workshop Title: Creating and Facilitating Visually Stimulating Tasks
Workshop Description: In this workshop, participants will do experiential activities like See-Think-Wonder and use graphic organizers Mind Map and KWL in order to learn the importance of visually stimulating tasks and at the end of the workshop they will be able to create one visually stimulating task themselves.
Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction
1. Gain attention
- Put the pictures of classrooms one is simply designed, another is equipped with different visuals and take a poll which of them they like best.
- In pairs, Turn and Talk, ask elbow partners why they like it.
- Show and read the quote:
“It has been said that 80% of what people learn is visual” Allen Klein.
- Ask participants whether they agree or not. If they agree they should Stand up, if they disagree, they should Sit down. Then give Follow up question to their pairs “Why?”
2. Inform learners of objectives
- Read the objectives ( which is written on the boarding card)
By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to :
- Identify the importance of visually stimulating tasks
for language learners
- Create a visually stimulating task
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning
- Stimulate participants ideas by asking question:
What kind of visuals do you use in your teaching? Why do they use visuals?
4. Present the content
- Show PPT presentation about ways of creating visually stimulating tasks .
-Present each way which pointed with bullet points in turn.
5. Guide learning
- After presenting First way (graphic organizers), show how to create Mind map graphic organizer on poster.
- After presenting Second way ( pictures), use See-Think-Wonder activity. Show an unusual picture and ask:
- What do you see in the picture?
- What do you think about the picture?
- What does it make you wonder?
- After presenting Third way (video/PPT) , show “My Day in ESN training” story PPT.
6. Elicit performance (practice)
- Brainstorm all three ways.
- Participants work in groups of 5-6 and create a visually stimulating task for a textbook activity (Ask the PP to bring their PCs beforehand)
7. Provide feedback
- In groups, participants will demonstrate their visuals t other groups around the class.
- Organize a Gallery Walk, participants will write their comments on sticky notes and put them on the posters.
- Give P-Q-P feedback to each group.
8. Assess performance
Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper with three questions:
- What was the most interesting thing I learned?
- What was the most important knowledge I gained?
- What question do I still have?
Collect the Exit Tickets to assess the participants understanding of workshop content.
9. Enhance retention and transfer
Before participants leave the workshop, ask them to rate in Scale 1-5 the effectiveness of visuals. As a hometask, they can create their own Word Wall like a graphic organizer/ a picture/a poster
Saodat Erkaboyeva
Core Teacher TrainerResource TypeThemeCreating and facilitating visually stimulating tasksLanguage LevelIntermediateTeaching TechniqueProject-Based LearningStudent AgeAdult