Guljakhan Seytniyazova

Guljakhan Seytniyazova is from Nukus, Uzbekistan. She received her master's degree in English and Russian language from the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute in 1997. Since then, she has been an English teacher at Specialized School #1. She is an active member of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and serves as a mentor and tutor to 8th grade students. She is also a teacher trainer specializing in teaching English to children, as well as a teacher trainer for secondary school education. Guljakhan also has experience working as a chief of English teachers at her school's Methodological Association.
As a Core Teacher Trainer, she is looking forward to benefiting from this program professionally and academically. She aims to contribute to making a change and renovating traditional approaches that impede growth in English education.