Workshop 7 Increasing Classroom interaction

Workshop 7


Workshop Title: Increasing classroom  interaction


Workshop Description:    This interactive workshop will present how to organize student-to-student interaction in the classroom. This means conducting interactive lessons provide enhancing communicative skills and boosting students’ motivation. “Find someone who is bingo” and  “Guiding the artist” activities will be stated as sample interactive activities.


Gagné’s Nine Events of Instruction

1. Gain attention

 Gain attention with activity “Birthday Line up”. Ask PP to go around the classroom to ask each other’s birthdays and make a line according to chronological order.

2. Inform learners of objectives

 PWBAT use student-to-student interaction and interactive activities  for English learners.

3. Stimulate recall of prior learning

What is interactive activity for you? 

What kind of  interactive activity did you use in your lessons?

4. Present the content

 Video presentation on “Increasing student-to-student presentation”

    Experiental activities:

“Find someone who is bingo”

Mingling for matching

Information gap activity   



5. Guide learning

 After presenting PPT,  participants  understand Student- to - student  interaction.

 After demonstrating “Find someone who is bingo”,  the trainer shows sample handouts of this activity and models.

Ask PP to create their own “Find someone who”


6. Elicit performance (practice)

 Demo activities:

 For each activity, engage participants in demonstrating activities, experiencing as a teacher  instructing  the activity as if the others are learners.

Distribute a handout with lessons from textbooks.

Ask participants  to create a mingling activity and work in  groups to apply them to the existing lesson.

7. Provide feedback

 In groups participants present their applied activities and teacher monitors

and gives collective feedback.

8. Assess

 Before they leave, give participants a piece of paper with the 3 - 2-1 EXIT TICKET to fill out and hand in. The EXIT TICKET asks them to write down   ,, 3 things I learned’’  ,, 2 things I found interesting” and   ,, 1 question I still have’’

9. Enhance retention and transfer

 To make a 1 minute video using an interactive  activity  in their own teaching experience . They should post this video on telegram group.

Requirements for video:

  • No more than 1 minute
  • Activity should be with their actual students
  • Teacher should give the name and description of the activity on the comments below.




Resource Type
Increasing classroom interaction
Language Level
Teaching Technique
Student Age