Dilshod Sobirov
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Cohort 2
Dilshod Sobirov is from the Fergana region. He received his undergraduate degree in English as a Foreign Language from the English department at Ferghana State University. He has been working as an English teacher at School #51 in the Rishtan district since 2015. He is currently working as a head of the Foreign Languages Methodological Council at his school. He also tutors students, helping them prepare to pass their university exams. He is responsible for designing lesson plans and materials for them. He mainly concentrates on inductive teaching by actively involving learners in the activities. He feels very happy that he is contributing to the development of Uzbekistan’s education system. As a Regional Peer Mentor-Teacher, Dilshod is looking forward to contributing to the TESOL program in Uzbekistan and to obtaining an international TESOL Core Teacher Trainers Certificate.