Indira Ernazarova

Cohort 1
Roles:Core Teacher Trainer

Indira Ernazarova is from Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. She received her bachelor's degree in English language and literature from the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute. She has been an English teacher at School #1 since 2016. She also helds a private tutoring at her school. She has been working as a teacher trainer since September 2019 in the Kegeyli region. On February 2, 2019, she successfully passed the eligibility test for a monthly salary bonus for foreign language public school teachers. On November 27, 2019, she received second place in the Creative Teacher Olympiad in Karakalpakstan. On December 31, 2019, she earned a certificate for participation in an educational online conference for her scientific article. 

As a Core Teacher Trainer, she is looking forward to collaborating with other English teachers and exploring new methods from this program for her professional development.

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