Mukhiddin Kholiknazarov

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Kholiknazarov Mukhiddin is from the Fergana region; he received his Bachelor's degree in the English language from Kokand State Pedagogical Institute. He has been an English teacher at Secondary School #1 in Buvayda district since 2001. He is also a Grade Master and responsible for students' documentation, attendance, behaviors, study, etc. He also runs an English club for high-class students at school, mentoring young English teachers, and was a headteacher of the English teachers' union at school in the 2018 and 2019 school years. As a Regional Peer Mentor-Teacher, he is looking forward to learning best-skilled methods such as Student-Centered Teaching, innovative teaching skills based on Communicative use of language. He also would like to spread the fluency of speech in other professions in the country, which will serve to deal in international relations.

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