Mavjuda Rakhmankulovna
Mavjuda Khaydarova was born in Zaamin, Djizzak region, Uzbekistan. She received her undergraduate degree as a Teacher of the English Language at the State University of World Languages in Tashkent. Her teaching career began at secondary school #3 in Zarbdar in 1990. From 1991 she continued teaching English at school #1, Zaamin. Mavjuda was a counterpart for PC volunteers from 2003 till 2005. In cooperation with volunteers, Mavjuda arranged several projects in regional schools. She has been an active member of the English teacher's society in Zaamin. In 2013 she was chosen as a trainer teacher. She has been working as a methodologist since 2015. As a methodologist, she discovered all the needs of teachers in faraway schools. So she decided to take part in the ESN: RPM program.