Gulmira Mayliyeva

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Mayliyeva Gulmira is from Shavat town and received her first Bachelor's degree in French Philology Faculty from the Uzbek State World Languages university, her second Bachelor degree in Philology and teaching languages (English language) from the Urgench State University. In 2020 she entered the Master's degree to the UrSU. She has been an English and French language teacher at school #23 since 2014. She is also a member of the UzTEA and has participated in several seminar training. She won first place in the Best Teacher of the Year contest held in the district in 2018. Her methodological handbook to use in the extra lessons after school was popularized in 2019. As a Regional Peer Mentor-Teacher, she is looking forward to work with experienced teachers, exchange methods with them, and get new methods. She also wants to be qualified abroad.

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