Shavkat Rahimov

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Rahimov Shavkat is from the Kasansay district of the Namangan region. He received his Bachelor's degree in Foreign Philology from Namangan State University. In 2010 he started his work as an English language teacher at Building and Service College at Kasansay. Then he continued his career at Boarding school number 9 in Kasansay. He has been teaching English at 52-specialized school since 2019. During his career, he has taken part in several training programs such as TDF and other seminars. His students have taken part in many competitions and Olympiads and have achieved success. As a Regional Peer Mentor- Teacher, he is looking forward to learning new methods, developing pedagogical technologies using modern IT in class. He aims to apply them in his classes and share his knowledge with his colleagues and other foreign language teachers in his district.

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