Dilorom Damixanova

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Dilorom Maxamadovna Damixanova is from Turakurgan city in the Namangan region of Uzbekistan. She entered School #31 in 1986 and finished in 1996 with a gold medal. In 1996 she entered Namangan State University with a major in Foreign Languages, and she finished in 2000. She started her career by teaching lyceum students from 2000 to 2009. She has been teaching English at Russian School #3 since 2010. She always works with her pupils, who are very active in both their lessons and competitions. They participate in different competitions like the spelling bee, HIPPO and others where they have taken high scores and certificates. Because of her clever students, she has received certificates from competitions. Her graduating students have won university grants from foreign countries, and they will go there to study. Dilorom loves her students and her job.

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